IBM Certified Specialist Practice Test and Questions Answers PDF

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C2090-930 Business Process Manager (BPM)
Questions: 60
C2090-552 IBM InfoSphere Optim for Distributed Systems - V7.3.1
Questions: 128
C1000-059 IBM AI Enterprise Workflow V1 Data Science Specialist
Questions: 62
C2070-982 IBM Case Foundation V5.2, Specialist
Questions: 116
C2070-580 IBM Case Manager V5.0
Questions: 117
C2070-581 IBM FileNet Content Manager V5.1
Questions: 114
C2070-582 IBM FileNet Business Process Manager V5.1
Questions: 122
C1000-075 IBM Cloud Object Storage V3.14 Specialist
Questions: 120
C2090-461 IBM InfoSphere Optim for Distributed Systems v9.1 Upgrade
Questions: 34